Auditory Learners: Hear

Auditory learners would rather listen to things being explained than to read about them. They learn best by participating vocally in class, making tapes of class notes and listening to them, reading assignments out loud, or studying with a partner or in a group. Reciting information out loud and having music in the background may be a common study method. Other noises may become a distraction resulting in a need for a relatively quiet place.

Strengths: Understanding subtle changes in tone in a person's voice, writing responses to lectures, oral exams, story-telling, solving difficult problems, working in groups

Weakness:  Noises, inside and outside, can easily divert a child’s attention from his studies. The child may have difficulty with detailed written information.

Tips:  Read material and/or instructions aloud. Talk about any writing assignments first. Have the child teach you (or someone else) what they have learned. Make up songs or rhymes for new material.

Visual Learners: See

Visual learners learn best by looking at graphics, watching a demonstration, studying notes on overhead slides, reading diagrams and handouts, following a PowerPoint presentation, reading from a textbook, or studying alone. For them, it’s easy to look at charts and graphs, but they may have difficulty focusing while listening to an explanation.

Strengths:  Instinctively follows directions, can easily visualize objects, has a great sense of balance and alignment, is an excellent organizer.

Weakness:  Texts or lectures without visual aids. Difficulty with learning material using the written language.

Tips:  Utilizing visual aids for written or orally presented material. Include painting, art, pictures into lessons to enhance visual/memory connection.

Kinesthetic Learners: Touch

Kinesthetic learners process information best through a “hands-on” experience. Actually doing an activity can be the easiest way for them to learn; experiments or acting out a play. Sitting still while studying may be difficult for a kinesthetic learner. They may want to stand, move, or doodle during lectures. Studying while performing an athletic activity like bouncing a ball or shooting hoops is not unusual but writing things down makes it easier to understand.

Strengths: Great hand-eye coordination, quick reception, excellent experimenters, good at sports, art, drama, high levels of energy

Weakness:  Easily distracted because of the need to touch or grab things. Poor listeners due to the need to constantly move around.

Tips:  Lesson plans should include an active component when possible. Allow for movement or unique positions for text or orally based lessons. Utilize coloured transparencies for reading. Trace words to help with memorization.

Logical Learners: Thinkers

Logical learners prefer using logic and reasoning to systematically work through problems and issues. They will use logic to explain or understand concepts. They aim to understand the reasons behind the learning, and have a good ability to understand the bigger picture.

Strengths: Recognizing patterns. Working with abstract concepts to figure out the relationship to each other. Great at strategy games.

Weakness: May miss visual signs such as body language or tone of voice. Difficulty learning facts before understanding the why behind learning it.

Tips:  Pre-reading the material before a lesson. Utilize step-by-step directions. Sort or categorize word lists. Create a schedule to organize time. Association may work well when information seems illogical or irrational.